February 2022: Teaching with Because Internet survey and Lingthusiasm liveshow in April
I set up a survey for anyone who's been using Because Internet for teaching - put in what you've been doing and I'll compile and share it with other instructors!
The main episode of Lingthusiasm was Knowledge is power, copulas are fun. The bonus episode was Emoji, Mongolian, and Multiocular O ꙮ - Dispatches from the Unicode Conference.
We also announced a Lingthusiasm liveshow in April, a sweary liveshow about swearing, taking place on the Lingthusiasm Discord. Plus: a longer descriptive post about the LingComm Grants, of which there are now several more thanks to people who supported them!
Selected tweets
Roses are Red, val-ling-tines edition
TIL the french for (workout/therapy) session is a séance and I just think this would make an excellent Halloween opportunity for someone
Selected blog posts:
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with an Impact Lead
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with an Impact Lead
This month's image is brought to you by linguistics takes on the Roses are Red poem.
Thanks for coming along!