February 2021: Announcing #LingComm21 and #lingfest
This month, I announced LingComm21, the first International Conference on Linguistics Communication, and LingFest, a fringe-festival-style coordination of independently organized public linguistics events, together with an excellent organizing committee consisting of Lauren Gawne, Jessi Grieser, Laura Bailey, and Liz McCullough (different spelling, no relation!), both to take place in April 2021.
I wrote a thread about how we came to the idea of running a linguistics communication conference, plus a more official-looking announcement on LinguistList.

We reached our 100th episode of Lingthusiasm! This month’s main episode of Lingthusiasm was about imperatives (transcript) and the bonus was a Q&A episode featuring naming dogs, modifying English, keeping up with linguistics research outside academia, and more. (Also, the cutest IPA update.)
I attended the virtual AAAS conference, including making a virtual “hotel bar” in Gather to hang out with fellow attendees in.
I also may or may not have been in another xkcd comic, this time about the Tower of Babel. (I am choosing to consider it a representation of curly-haired linguists everywhere.)
CBC – “The Sunday Magazine” about email etiquette – 14 Feb 2021
Selected tweets:
Threads on conference “homework” and zoom fatigue
given that we’ve been living with a giant panda for the past year
Selected blog posts:
This month’s featured image is from xkcd. I have to say, I’m severely tempted to screencap that exultant curly-haired linguist as a new profile picture.
Thanks for coming along,